Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sweetest Day Safety

Sweetest Day is coming up, this is a very special day celebrated by many people. Everyone needs to enjoy their selves and still be safe at the same time. Some things you can do to stay safe if you’re going out with someone for the first time, go to a public place, or a well-known place. If you feel uncomfortable you could also go out in a group or have friends come to the place that your date is taking place. If you plan on participating in sexual activities make sure you have condoms or your partner has them. Be responsible for your actions and don’t feel like you have to do anything you are not comfortable with. Some people may like to have a few drinks, for those 21 and up. Do not walk away from your drink and be aware of what’s going on you can never be too sure. If you decide to stay indoors with your partner and choose not be to sexual active, come up with something fun to do like watch movies, cook together, play board games or talk about various things.

 Remember to be safe and do not do anything you are not comfortable with!!
 Have a wonderful Sweetest Day!!!

National Comming Out Day

Good Afternoon, bloggers if you did not known today is "National Coming Out Day". On this if you are a lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender, or queer also known as (LGBTQ) this is your day to come out to your family, friends, etc. This is the process of personal acceptance of your homosexuality. I feel this day is greatly needed, because it gives LGBTQ the chance to stand up and accept who they are a regardless if others accept you or not. You no longer have to walk around in fear or embarrassment this is your chance and day to be accepted and be heard so as Diana Ross would say "IM COMING OUT I WANT THE WORLD TO KNOW I GOT TO LET IT SHOW".


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Setting Boundaries

How many people you know set boundaries?
People set all types of boundaries. There are steps to setting boundaries. When setting a boundary it should not be one that has already been crossed. You have to be honest with yourself and the next person. If someone you know doesn’t agree with what you have set for yourself then they may not be the person for you. Not only you have to be honest but you have to be straight forward or direct with someone when telling them you boundaries. You must mean what you say and say what you mean. It’s important to respect other people boundaries just as you would want them to respect your standards. People have different boundaries throughout their life so it’s best not to judge the next person. You have the right to say what you want in life.  If  you would like to know more about setting up boundaries please let us know.

Chatter Bugs....

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My Opinion for a Domestic Violence Relationship.

In my opinion, I feel as a domestic violence relatioship is not necessary. Females say that "It's hard to leave", but if you walked in it then you can easily walk out of it. If you let a male tell you what to do within a month or so of your relationshipthen leave him. No woman/ young adult should have a guy hit her. Abusive relationships can be physical or mental. Dating violence and abuse can lead to negative sexual health outcomes. If you are being abused, find someone who you can trust to talk too. Work on positive things. Better yourself as a person. Yes, it will be hard for you to leave but if you get tired of it move on. Whether you're in a verbal, physical or mental move on because in order for a relationship to be a relationship, yall will have to communicate. If that relationship is a abusive relationship, then it will not work out. If you have a friend that is being abused, tell your friend not to blame theirself. Create a safe plan for them to leave with. Encourage your friend. When you finally decide to leave the relationship, let others know the relationship is over. Get a restraining order. Let someone be around you when you go somewhere. Sometimes you can get help from someone else who has been in the situation. Get help soon as possible.

Levels of Abuse

As teens today we witness alot of abuse whether its around us or involving us. Abuse includes mental, physical, and emotinal if you ever been in this postion where hurt, harm, or danger was among you then thats not good for you. You should never take abuse in be happy with it. In order for you to get away or help someone get away you have to be able to admit your being abused in be able to have enough courage in self-esteem to walk away do whats best in your life for your sake its better to be alone then to be a victim of abuse. Never let noone take advantage of you with the diffrent levels of abuse if you cant do it on your own there is places willing to stand in front of you in guide you in the right direction avoid levels of abuse.

My advice would be to not let anyone get the best of you.If someone thinks they can abuse you, seek help.violence is not the key to success or to love so what would i do end it because violence ends with me.

Dating Violence

Dating violence  includes emotional abuse, physical abuse, and sexual abuse. I believe violence are things such as controlling your partner, and abusing your partner. Dating violence is not only for females as some people think its for males and females. I feel that if your in a abusive relationship then it is best to talk to your friends and family, make sure someone knows where you are at all times, go to the police, make a report if it happens again, or go to a shelter about your problem.
My opinion on this situation is to walk away and leave the person alone.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer Time Activities

Summertime is here! There's no school for some and it’s time to get it crackn` lackn. It’s time to party and hit up the mall. There are many activities you can do to keep your summer drama free. Taking part in the traditional summer activities might be fun, but not so safe. Peer pressure plays a big part in everyday lives of teenagers, but plays an even bigger part in most teenagers’ summer vacations. In the summer everyone wants to go with the flow. We are not saying stay home your whole summer------but get involved while being safe. there are things you can do like: make a music video, go swimming, have a wet t-shirt relay race, and create a photo journal. So just weigh your options, and enjoy yourself...

LoveChat <3

Life After High School

Life After High School

Many students graduate from high shool and think that they have crossed the finish line, but there is life after high school graduation. Most graduates have reached the legal age of 18, which means that there's alot of things that you will have to do alone, (i.e.) providing for yourself. There are many ways to do this. Two options could be to either go to collge or to start working. Both ways are perfectly fine and there are many options besides the two named above, but all are ways to support yourself. Do whatever you choose to do but be sure to make those things productive and positive.


P.S. Congratulations Class of 2011!


Let's talk about something that is SLIENT but DANGEROUS! Chlamydia is the most common STI in the U.S. Any sexual active person can be infected with the disease. Chlamydia can damage a woman's reproductive organs. Chlamydia can also discharge from the penis of an infected man. Chlamydia is most frequently reported in the United States. The disease is transmitted through vaginal, anal and oral sex. The symptoms of Chlamydia are known as "silent" disease because majority of the infected people have no symptoms. If any symptoms they usually occur within one to three weeks. In women the disease infects the cervix and urine canal. Men just have the burning sensation. If Chlamydia is left untreated then it can lead into other serious health problems. In women the untreated infection can spread to the uterus of the fallopian tubes and cause pelvic inflammatory disease. Complications among men are very rare. Chlamydia can easily be prevented by abstaining from sexual contact or to be in a long-term mutually monogamous relationship and get tested regularly. If you are sexually active, using latex condoms can reduce the risk of transmission of Chlamydia.
For more information, visit: http://www.plannedparenthood.com/
 STAY SAFE..#ChatterBabies!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Prom Season

How many people do you know that are excited about prom?
Prom is a fun night for high school seniors. As seniors in high school, its time to graduate and we think we are grown. Our parents are leary about prom night. We all like to hang out and enjoy ourselves. We have to be smart and do what's best for us as young ladies and men. Most of the time ladies spend prom night with their date and before you know it something happen that was not suppose to go down. I know many people who have taken action on something they regret. So to prevent this problem i encourage everyone, that yes on prom night you are suppose to enjoy but be safe and careful. Know your surroundings. On prom night and any other night please use protection if you are having or planning to have sex. As young ladies we should still allow ourselves to have a curfew. In my opinion we should be in the house at a respectable time.